National Women’s History Month Spotlight: Angie Baker

image for National Women's History Month Spotlight: Angie Baker

What leadership roles do/did you hold in the real estate industry?

Past Local Board President (2012), Current Local Board President (Wilson Board Of Realtors)
Board Member for the NC Regional MLS
New Member Orientation Instructor for the WBOR (past 3 years)
Officer and Director for the Wilson Board of Realtors for 12 years

What leadership roles do/did you hold in NC REALTORS®?

Local Board President

What is your role in the industry today?


What is your role in NC REALTORS® today?

Active leadership role

What years were you active in the industry?

2000 to date

What years were you active in NC REALTORS®?

2000 to date

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in the industry?

Helping my clients find the right home, the best financing and location for them. Helping my local board members with the issues we deal with in our market area.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment as an NC REALTOR®?

My greatest accomplishment is that I have survived a very tough time for this industry and seen many different challenges come our way.

What were the greatest challenges you faced as an NC REALTOR®?

The 2009 recession. My local area has rebounded in the last 18 months, and this brings new challenges.

Have you been inspired by other NC REALTOR® women throughout the years? Please name them here and briefly describe how they have impacted you, the industry or the association.

Billie Mercer. When I received my license I talked with a few firms, but after talking with Billie I knew she would be tough and would run a very tight office. At the time I did not realize her many accomplishments at the state level. Billie was having issues with her health shortly after I joined her firm, but she graciously invited me to her home when she was not able to be in the office to help me with the many aspects of selling real estate. Her love and dedication to our industry is still with me today.

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