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Your search for "Виктория Джем --- ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА" returned

Major Investors

RPAC Major Investors consist of an elite and passionate group of REALTOR® investors who give a minimum annual investment of $1,000.

Insight | May 2022

Insight | The voice of real estate in North Carolina

Upcycling For a Better World

One person’s trash is another person’s dining room table.

Where does our fascination with the old and discarded come from?

July 2022 – Summary of July 2022 Residential Forms Changes

The following residential forms have been revised effective July 1, 2022. A summary of the significant changes to each form is included. A marked-up copy of each form showing the exact changes may be viewed by clicking on the name of the form.

Visit Fairhaven for Fair Housing Swag

NC REALTORS® wants everyone to visit Fairhaven this year. That’s why we’re launching the Visit Fairhaven Challenge and offering all who enter a chance to win some amazing fair housing swag to showcase your commitment to equal professional service to all.

Hurricane Florence

Read stories of hope, service and support from members and volunteers impacted by the storm.

4 Reasons Why Attending Conferences Is a Good Idea

You may have heard about the 2017 annual NC REALTORS® Conference, XCHANGE ‘17, and wondered if attending is worth it. In fact, what is the benefit of conferences in general?

REALTORS® in Action

When disaster strikes, NC REALTORS® mobilize to aid those in need.

2020 NC REALTORS® Association Executive Scholarship Recipients

We are pleased to announce the recipients of the 2020 NC REALTORS® Association Executive scholarships.

#MemberMonday: Jackie Lynaugh

Welcome to #MemberMonday, a feature that spotlights one of our awesome NC REALTORS®. This week’s member hails from Chapel Hill and is a published author…Jackie Lynaugh!

NC REALTORS® PAC Cash Raffle Winners Announced

Thank you all for participating in the 2021 NC REALTORS® PAC cash raffle for a grand prize of $15,000 and 35 $1,000 prizes. With your support, we raised $160,000 towards our annual goal. NC REALTORS® PAC Chair, Lisa York, announced our winners on Facebook live, Friday, April 30 at 5:30 pm. In case you missed it, take a look at the winners here.