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Your search for "Seguros para vehiculos Corpus Christi TX llama ahora al 888-430-8975 Como funcionan los seguros de carros Seguro contra terceros Seguros para autos cotizar en linea Seguro coche todo riesgo La caja aseguradora de autos Seguros para carro" returned

Who pays for de-winterizing and re-winterizing the pool?

QUESTION: I will be taking a listing on a property next month that has a swimming pool. The owner plans on having it winterized soon, which involves a fair amount of work, including lowering the water level, draining all the pipes and filling them with pool antifreeze, removing ladders and other non-permanent items, and putting…

NAR Lawsuits Resource Center

We understand that this litigation has raised questions and concerns about its potential impact on our real estate practices here in North Carolina. We want to provide you with clarity on these matters.

Update on DOJ Statement of Interest in MLS PIN litigation (2/16/24)

On February 15, the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a Statement of Interest in the Nosalek v. MLS PIN, et al., which is a lawsuit challenging the rule and practice of cooperative compensation between listing and buyer brokers.

Visit Fairhaven for Fair Housing Swag

NC REALTORS® wants everyone to visit Fairhaven this year. That’s why we’re launching the Visit Fairhaven Challenge and offering all who enter a chance to win some amazing fair housing swag to showcase your commitment to equal professional service to all.

Seller Obligation to Pay Utility Connection Costs

QUESTION: I am listing a home for sale for a brother and sister. The home was previously owned by their parents, both of whom have passed away. My clients have told me that the home has not had power or water for over a year. If I list the home, will my clients be required…

Major Investors

RPAC Major Investors consist of an elite and passionate group of REALTOR® investors who give a minimum annual investment of $1,000.

Can I charge clients by the hour for brokerage services?

QUESTION: I’m trying to find new ways to represent buyers and sellers while continuing to offer all the same services I do in my current commission-based practice. I would like to offer brokerage services at an hourly rate, but my firm informed me that I cannot do this based on tax laws. Why can’t I…

Form 201: Exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement

Please note: The brochure Questions and Answers on: Home Inspections mentioned on this form can be obtained from the North Carolina Real Estate Commission’s Web site.