Building a Brand Overseas

NC REALTORS® is building North Carolina’s brand overseas through the Global Network and its recent attendance at MIPIM 2018.

MIPIM is an annual conference in which attracts the most influential players in international property markets. Established in 1990, the conference attracts worldwide investors, developers, brokers and others representing the office, residential, retail, healthcare, sport, logistics, hotel, redevelopment and industrial sectors for four days of networking, learning and transaction. With a goal of making international connections and building opportunities for economic development through real estate, NC REALTORS® Global Network, a subcommittee of the Economic Development Committee, incorporated MIPIM attendance in its strategic plan. The Global Network specifically, and the three-year old Economic Development Committee, more generally, play an integral part in bringing investment, companies and jobs to North Carolina—all to the benefit of NC REALTOR® members. When businesses relocate or expand, it opens up opportunities for our members to participate in the many levels of real property transactions that come with businesses and industry thriving in North Carolina.

“NC REALTORS® showed they will not be left on the sidelines of economic development any longer, nor should we be cast aside as a ‘small player’ in this space,” said Tony Harrington, Global Network chairman. Thanks to the dedication of the volunteer leadership, an open partnership with the Economic Development Partnership of NC (EDPNC) and planning by staff , the delegation was well prepared with information, handouts, an integrative megasite website, pins and highly coveted business cards.

The delegation is excited about the potential for investment in North Carolina based on the amount of people that sought us out to discuss investing in our state. Th ere were a number of very specific inquiries from potential investors, which were immediately sent to the EDPNC and its executive director, Christopher Chung.

While the actual value is still intangible, the reputational benefits by presenting so well are already paying off for NC REALTORS®. NAR is doing a story on us for their next magazine and other REALTOR® associations have reached out to learn from us.

Andrea Bushnell, NC REALTORS® CEO, hit the nail on the head when talking about the benefits, “Th is experience helped the delegation understand the players, the field and the game. The amount of investment funding available worldwide is simply remarkable.” Sending a delegation to MIPIM also sent a message to the legislature and local political entities that NC REALTORS® is committed to our state’s economic prospects for the future.

Attendance at MIPIM is part of the NC REALTORS®’ broader goal of providing leadership in North Carolina’s economic development efforts and an opportunity for NC REALTORS® to engage with foreign investors in a capacity that state-based organizations like EDPNC cannot. EDPNC and its affiliates have neither the budget nor the authority to create their own booth at MIPIM. The NC REALTORS® booth at MIPIM served as a vehicle for the North Carolina government to attract business and investors, while furthering both NC REALTORS®’ mission to support economic development and our members’ opportunities to increase their professional prospects.

“Next year, we will encourage even more participation by our members and the EDPNC,” said Guy McCook, NC REALTORS® Economic Development Committee chair and a commissioner with the Scotland County Economic Development Partnership. “We will identify industries and companies targeted by the state in advance and set meetings to start upon arrival.”

MIPIM represents an opportunity for NC REALTORS® to step into the global marketplace on behalf of our state and raise the profile of real estate professionals in North Carolina in the eyes of international investors. With a plan in place, a partnership with EDPNC and the Department of Commerce and an enthusiastic membership, NC REALTORS® future participation can only bring more value to our state and  the REALTOR® brand.



NC REALTORS® is excited to be sending a delegation to attend the 2019 MIPIM Conference in Cannes, France. MIPIM is an opportunity for NC REALTORS® to engage with foreign investors, bring new business to North Carolina’s commercial sector and take the lead on encouraging local and statewide economic development. Representatives from NC REALTORS® will attend MIPIM from March 12 – 15, 2019. For more information visit


LEARN MORE: If you’d like to learn more about the MIPIM Conference and how to get involved with NC REALTORS®’ efforts at global and economic development, please contact Mike Landes.