Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association and NC REALTORS® Endorse School Bond Referendum

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Pictured Left to Right: Amy Hedgecock – 2018 President-Elect NC REALTORS®, Roger Parham – 2017 Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association/CarolinaMLS President, Julie Cho – 2017 Vote Yes for Bonds Campaign Co-chair, Dr. Clayton Wilcox – Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Superintendent, Anne Marie DeCatsye, Esq. – CEO, Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association, Jason Gentry – 2018 Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association/CarolinaMLS President-Elect, and Carrie Cook – 2017 Vote Yes for Bonds Campaign Director.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The Charlotte Regional Realtor® Association, in partnership with NC REALTORS®, is proud to support the 2017 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) Bond Referendum with a $25,000 contribution to the Vote YES for Bonds campaign in support of public schools. The $922 million bond package will fund high-priority projects to relieve overcrowding, upgrade and modernize aging facilities, and deliver more academic options for students and families.

“The bond referendum is a responsible way to support capital improvements needed in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools,” said Roger Parham, 2017 president of the Charlotte Regional Realtor® Association. “Strong public schools contribute greatly to the health and vibrancy of growing communities, which is why we’re asking Realtors® to vote yes for bonds on Nov. 7.”

The association has historically supported bond referenda for capital improvements, including schools, affordable housing and public infrastructure.  The Association recognizes that strong public schools are an important asset and contributes to the local economy and overall quality of life.  Approval of the bond measure will not result in additional tax increases for Charlotte and Mecklenburg County residents.

“NC REALTORS® is pleased to support the CMS Vote Yes for Bonds Campaign,” said 2017 NC REALTORS® President Treasure A. Faircloth. “Continued investment in our public schools is the best way to ensure North Carolina’s children have the opportunities to learn and succeed.”

For more information about the Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association, visit For an interview with 2017 Association/CarolinaMLS President Roger Parham, please contact Kim Walker. For information about the North Carolina Association of REALTORS®, visit For more information about the 2017 Vote YES for Bonds campaign, visit

The Charlotte Regional REALTOR® Association is a trade association that provides its more than 10,000 REALTOR® members with the resources and services they need to conduct ethical, professional, successful and profitable businesses. The association is dedicated to being the region’s primary resource for residential real estate information. The association operates the Carolina Multiple Listing Services, Inc. (CarolinaMLS), which has approximately 11,500 Subscribers and is the private cooperative REALTORS® use for access to tens of thousands of residential listings in a multicounty service area, including Charlotte, the Piedmont area of North Carolina and South Carolina, and beyond.

NC REALTORS® is a non-profit trade association, representing more than 40,000 members and 48 local associations throughout the state of North Carolina. NC REALTORS® serves to promote the success of its members and enhance the quality of life in North Carolina by promoting housing affordability and the protection of private property rights. Founded in 1921, the association is headquartered in Greensboro, with an additional office in Raleigh. For more information on the association, visit

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