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Building Success with Responsible Practices

September 11, 2023
1:00pm - 1:30pm



September 11, 2023
1:00pm - 1:30pm



Mobile Mondays | Safe Business, Happy Consumers: Building Success with Responsible Practices

Mobile Mondays | Safe Business, Happy Consumers: Building Success with Responsible Practices

September 11, 2023 @ 1:00 pm 1:30 pm

“Build Your Business with Safe Practices and Protect the Consumer” is a dynamic and engaging program that teaches real estate agents how to work safely and increase profits by protecting consumers. After completing this program, agents will be able to:

  • “Lessons Learned” hear about crimes against agents and the lessons agents should learn
  • Create comprehensive safety plans for screenings, showings, open houses, and daily routines
  • Secure client information and properties, Cybersecurity Tips
  • Safely market themselves and their properties online and on social media
  • Understand how protecting the consumer will help them stand out and build their business

Learn how to work safely, increase your profits, and stand out from other agents by protecting the consumer!

Join the Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ncrmobilemondays/ (You must answer three questions before being approved.)

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations: Cancellations may be processed online and will be accepted up to one (1) business day preceding each course. Course registration less a cancellation fee may apply. Refunds will not be granted to no-shows or last minute cancellations.

To cancel a class: Login to the NC REALTORS® website. Find your class under “Upcoming Events” on the Member Dashboard or by locating the class you want to cancel on the NC REALTORS® calendar. Under registration details, you will see an option to “Cancel”. On the following page, select “Submit Cancellation”.

NCR reserves the right to cancel/change any course at any time. If a course is canceled, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will receive either a full refund or, if rescheduled, you may transfer to the new date. NCR is not responsible for any out-of-pocket expenses (lodging, airfare, etc.) you may incur when a course is canceled or rescheduled.

Photography waiver: Portions of this course may be photographed, or audio/video recorded for various purposes, including reporting/promotion. By registering, you agree that NCR and/or anyone acting on their behalf may photograph or record by audio/video your attendance and involvement in any portion of the course. Furthermore, you agree that the NCR may use these photographs and/or recordings without additional approval or permission and without compensation.