Four Ways to Prevent Your Packages from Being Stolen

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With the advent of Amazon Prime Shipping, the number of packages delivered to doorsteps has skyrocketed. But during the summer we aren’t always home to receive those packages, and they may be left on the porch for anyone walking by to snatch up. According to a study conducted by August Home Inc., in 2016 11 million U.S. homeowners had their packages stolen. Check out these tips to ensure your packages don’t get stolen while you’re away from home this summer.

Install a Security Technology

Installing a security camera at your front door helps to deter criminals, while also providing documented proof for refund and replacement, should a package be stolen. A motion detection device will also help bolster your home security, and if you can set up an alarm in conjunction with your camera, even better.

packages by a doorPlace a Hold on Your Package

USPS and FedEx offer a free service to hold your package at their terminals or delivery centers for a period of time – until you return! You can check out FedEx and USPS mail holding service options online and set off to your destination away from home without worrying about your packages being stolen.


Say you already left for your vacation or business meeting, and suddenly remember that you have an important package being delivered to your doorstep within the week. UPS and FedEx offer apps to help reroute packages to another address, via FedEx Delivery Manager and UPS My Choice Premium.

Shot of a delivery man dropping off a package at an officeDeliver to Your Workplace

Having your package delivered to your work place cuts down the chances of it being stolen, as long as your company allows it and there are coworkers there to receive it. Mail carriers and delivery personnel will also be more likely to make sure the package gets into the building, rather than leave it outside the door.

No one wants to go through the trouble of filing a stolen package claim, much less lose their belongings because they simply weren’t there to collect. If you’re going on vacation or traveling for business this summer, be sure to take these easy precautions to ensure your package doesn’t end up a surprise gift for a thief.

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