Major Investors – at work for you!

Major Investors consist of an elite and passionate group of REALTOR® investors who give a minimum annual investment of $1,000.

Hall of Fame President's Circle
Bill Aceto photo
Bill Aceto 
Eddie Alie headshot
Eddie Alie 
Jim Allen headshot
Jim Allen
Lee Allen headshot
Lee Allen 
Marvette Artis headshot
Marvette Artis 
Hadi Atri headshot
Hadi Atri
Lou Baldwin
Louis Baldwin 
Margaret Bishop headshot
Margaret Bishop
Randall Blankenship headshot
Randall Blankenship
Carol Bradley headshot
Carol Bradley 
Douglas Brindley headshot
Douglas Brindley
Maren Brisson-Kuester photo
Maren Brisson-Kuester
Danny Brock headshot
Danny Brock
Leigh Brown headshot
Leigh Brown
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Ray Burton
andrea bushnell image
Andrea Bushnell 
Brett Bushnell headshot
Brett Bushnell 
Brenda Carroll headshot
Brenda Carroll
Robert Carter headshot
Robert Carter 
Brooke Cashion headshot
Brooke Cashion 
Insight May 2020_Women in CRE Cindy Chandler
Cindy Chandler 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Clifton Cheek 
Bradley Cohen headshot
Bradley Cohen
Renee Cooney headshot
Renee Cooney 
Connie Corey headshot
Connie Corey 
Linda Craft headshot
Linda Craft
Michael Davenport headshot
Michael Davenport
Kim Dawson 
Anne Marie Decatsye headshot
Anne Marie DeCatseye
NC REALTORS Resources logo
David Deal
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Rosemarie Doshier
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Jay Dowdy
Micki Fisher headshot
Margaret Fisher
Asa Fleming headshot
Asa Fleming 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Crystal Franklin-Copas 
Sue Franks headshot
Susan Franks
Bill Gallagher headshot
William Gallagher
Peter Gallo
Peter Gallo 
Anne Gardner headshot
Anne Gardner
Bruce Gates headshot
Bruce Gates 
Jason Gentry
Jason Gentry
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Swayn Hamlet
Tony Harrington Headshot
Tony Harrington 
Wendy Harris headshot
Wendy Harris
Amy Hedgecock headshot
Amy Hedgecock
Christi Hill headshot
Christi Hill
NC REALTORS Resources logo
J.Alan Holden
Phillip Johnson Headshot
Phillip Johnson 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Janet Kane 
Tommy Lawing headshot
Tommy Lawing 
Laurie Linder  
Tomp Litchfield headshot
Tomp Litchfield
Kelly Marks Headshot
Kelly Marks 
Tim McBrayer headshot
Tim McBrayer
Guy McCook Headshot
James McCook
John McPherson 
Valerie Mitchener headshot
Valerie Mitchener
Steven Norris headshot
Steven Norris
Sandra O'Connor headshot
Sandra O'Connor 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Jerry Panz
David Phillips headshot
David Phillips
Teresa Pitt Headshot
Teresa Pitt 
Gary Rabon headshot
Robert Rabon
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Scott Rooth
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Buddy Rudd
Renee Smith headshot
Renee Smith
Tony Smith
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Allen Tate
Cady Thomas 
Ronnie Thompson headshot
Ronald Thompson
NC REALTORS Resources logo
James Townsend
Linda Trevor headshot
Linda Trevor 
Stephanie Walker headshot
Stephanie Walker  
Patrice Willetts headshot
Patrice Willetts 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Mary Edna Williams
David Zeitz headshot
David Zeitz 
Myra Zollinger headshot
Myra Zollinger 
Eddie Alie headshot
Eddie Alie 
Jim Allen headshot
Jim Allen
Carol Bradley headshot
Carol Bradley 
Douglas Brindley headshot
Douglas Brindley
Maren Brisson-Kuester photo
Maren Brisson-Kuester
Leigh Brown headshot
Leigh Brown
Robert Carter headshot
Robert Carter 
Renee Cooney headshot
Renee Cooney 
Asa Fleming headshot
Asa Fleming 
Peter Gallo
Peter Gallo 
Tony Harrington Headshot
Tony Harrington 
Tim McBrayer headshot
Tim McBrayer
Linda Trevor headshot
Linda Trevor 
Bill Aceto photo
Bill Aceto 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Ed Alexander
Lee Allen headshot
Lee Allen 
Marvette Artis headshot
Marvette Artis 
Hadi Atri headshot
Hadi Atri
Dennis Bailey Headshot
Dennis Bailey 
Lou Baldwin
Louis Baldwin 
Chester Bartlett
Bob Bates headshot
Bob Bates 
Kelly Ross Benton Headshot
Kelly Benton
andrea bushnell image
Andrea Bushnell 
Brett Bushnell headshot
Brett Bushnell 
Brooke Cashion headshot
Brooke Cashion 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Hannah Chan 
Insight May 2020_Women in CRE Cindy Chandler
Cindy Chandler 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Clifton Cheek 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Jamie Cooper 
Linda Craft headshot
Linda Craft
Kim Dawson 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
David Deal
Magda Esola headshot
Magda Esola
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Crystal Franklin-Copas 
Pam Furtney headshot
Pam Furtney 
Bruce Gates headshot
Bruce Gates 
Jason Gentry
Jason Gentry
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Joan Goode 
Kathy Haines Headshot
Kathy Haines
Wendy Harris headshot
Wendy Harris
Amy Hedgecock headshot
Amy Hedgecock
Christi Hill headshot
Christi Hill
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Deno Hondros
NC REALTORS Resources logo
AnnMarie Janni
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Tiffany Johannes
Phillip Johnson Headshot
Phillip Johnson 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Janet Kane 
Tommy Lawing headshot
Tommy Lawing 
Laurie Linder  
Jon McBride headshot
Jonathan McBride 
John McPherson 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Jay Mitchell 
Valerie Mitchener headshot
Valerie Mitchener
Tim Mock headshot
Timothy Mock 
John Muir headshot
John Muir 
Sandra O'Connor headshot
Sandra O'Connor 
Kimberly Perkins headshot
Kimberly Perkins 
Teresa Pitt Headshot
Teresa Pitt 
Gary Rabon headshot
Robert Rabon
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Ginger Robles 
Brooke Rudd headshot
Brooke Rudd 
Ea Ruth headshot
Ea Ruth 
Tony Smith
Cady Thomas 
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Joshua Tucker
Stephanie Walker headshot
Stephanie Walker  
NC REALTORS Resources logo
Donald Walston
Patrice Willetts headshot
Patrice Willetts 
Leslie Williams 
David Zeitz headshot
David Zeitz 
Myra Zollinger headshot
Myra Zollinger 
Mary Allen
Christina Asbury 
Michael Barr
Stefanie Bell
Margaret Bishop
Jeffrey Bolduc
Diana Braun
Diana Brink
Cirila Cothran 
Carla Council
Michael Davenport
Anne Marie DeCatseye
Jay Dowdy
Jennifer Frontera
Arthur Furtney
Dana Galli
Heather Garris 
Heather Gool 
Lewis Grubbs
Brenda Hayden
Sandra Hurst
Lucas Kane 
Adam Kiefer
Dawn Kilby
Denise Kinney
Marcus Larose
Ilona Matteson
Jonathan Moore
Beverly Newell
Shiv Shankar Nunna
Mark Parker
Robert Percesepe
Elijah Pitman
Erika Pitman
Benjamin Ray
Paul Sabadash
Leah Schuch
Donathon Stover 
Stephanie Thompson 
James Townsend
Randolph Voller
Norma Wagaman
Daniel Whited
Rachel Withers
Nancy Accipiter
Kellie Adams
Diania Alfonso
Brittany Allen
Matthew Allen
Karen Allred
Terri Alphin Smith
Lisia Amburn
Tamara Anderson
Lisa Anderson Headrick
Eric Andrews
Natalie Armstrong
John Atkinson
Samuel Aubrey
Gayleia Bailey
Terry Banks
Jeffrey Barfield 
James Barnes
Margaret Bartlett
Royce Bennett
Alice Betts
Susan Bible
Carolyn Blackmon
Ruby Bland
Colleen Blondell
Stephania Bloodworth
Phyllis Bosomworth
Marilyn Bostick
Deana Bowen
Michelle Braat
David Branton
Lewis Bratton
Randy Bratton
Ashley Brimson
Mark Brink
Shawn Britt
Lori Brooks
Phyllis Brookshire
Jeb Brown
Robert Bunnell
Cynthia Burns
Jennifer Burns-Koonce
Tisha Bush
Sherry Byrd
Kelly Campbell
Jane Cannon
Kathryn Carpenter
Miguel Carreno
Michael Carter
Morris Cherry
Dorothy Ciarrocchi
Phyllis Cole
Samantha Cole
Marcella Coley
Emilee Collins
Annmarie Conta
Norma Cooper
Connie Corey 
Angelina Corroo
David Costner
Kelly Creed
Sofia Crisp
David Cross
Coleen Curtis
Allen Dargins
Diana Davis
Jeffrey Daw
Frank DeRonja
Samantha DiGiovanni
Heather Dodson
Rosemarie Doshier
Charles Douglas
Debi Edwards
Jess Edwards
Shari Ellis
Chloe Enoch
Michelle Evans
Raymond Evans Ill
Treasure Faircloth
Kristine Flaig
David Flory
Clinton Floyd
Trevor Foote
Julia Forsmark
Peter Frandano
Jennifer Franklin-Rowe
Susan Franks
Kyle Frey
Thomas Gale
Ashtyn Gammons
Megan Gerber
Susan Goines
Randall Gooding
James Goodman
Symantha Gragg
Kyle Graham
Gloria Green
Kevin Green
Melinda Greene
Christina Grifaldo
Cathy Griffin
Lynne Griffin
Lynn Gulledge
Sharon Gupton
Joy Hallman
Teresa Hampton
Kimberlee Hanan
Frances Harding
Donna Harmatuk
Donald Harris
Joseph Harris
Lynn Harris
Scott Harris
Cindi Hastings
John Head
Joshua Hearst
Angie Hedgepeth
Stacy Hiers
Tania Higgins
Amanda Hill
Nicholas Hinton
Holly Hobbs
Lugean Hogan
Ellen Hough
Joseph Hough
Ruth Hudspeth
Jessica Hughes
Tori Humphrey
Tonya Hunt
Patricia Irvin
Norwood Jackson
Alison Jaeger
Ashley James
Tony Jarrett
Sean Jeffries
Regina Jenkins
Ashley Johnson
Kyle Johnson
Shynar Johnson
David Jones
Willo Kelly
David Kennedy
Michelle Ketchum
Eric Knight
Harry Knight
Sarah Kober
Madalyn Kunow
Sharice Latham
Alan Leary
Rachael Leary
Natalie Lewis
Emily Liles
James Lipscomb
Christine Mallette
Kelly Marks 
Beatrix Masotti
David Massey
Sandra McAlpine
James McCook
Tikola McCree
Patrick McDowell
Debbie McFayden
Paul McGill
Melissa McKinney
Rudolph Mebane
Hector Medina
Pam Melton
Timothy Milam
Eric Miller
Phil Misciagno
Steven Mitchell
Brandi Mizell
Jennifer Morris
Michelle Morris
Sandra Morris
Shirley Morrison
Jason Morton
Sallie Myrick
Kelsie Nagele
Rob Nanfelt
Kristin Nash
Maxine Nelson
John Newman
Erin Nixon
Patrick Nooney
Fonda Norris
Tracey O'Dowd
Michelle Odom
Elizabeth Ogburn
Carey Otto
Natalie Painter
Amanda Parmer
Jennifer Patterson
Susan Peak
Len Perkins
Jean-Paul Peron
Nathan Perry
Sonya Perry
Talvia Peterson
Alexis Pierson
April Pike 
George Pittman
Carol Platt
Kimberly Plourde
Joan Posey-Neumann
Fara Pourshariati
Mary Beth Powell
Tara Powell
Jennifer Price
Manda Price
Truby Proctor
Aliyah Prontaut
Chris Puckett
Jennifer Purcell
Candilee Quigley
Keith Quigley
Kyle Rank
Lori Ransom
Janelle Rayford
Merle Reese
Cynthia Remahl
Thomas Rempson
Anne Rendle
Christopher Respess
Mary Richardson
Soni Rider
Jennifer Ritchie
Michelle Roberts
Catherine Robertson
Billie Rogers
Steed Rollins
Carla Rose
Janice Rosenberg
Christopher Royal
Charlsey Russell
Stephanie Sainz
Erica Sasser
Heather Sawyer
Janice Scarborough
Jason Scott
Patrick Serkedakis
Kourosh Sharifi
Kathleen Sherman
Stacy Siers
Jennifer Simpson
Robert Simpson
Brooke Sines
Emma Singleton
Alison Sink
Amanda Smith
Betty Smith
Renee Smith
Susan Smith
Tom Smith
Cassandra Snyder
Kristi Snyder
Margaret Sophie
Charisma Southerland
Brook Sparks
Megan Sparks
Michelle Steeley
April Stephens
Sandra Stewart
Dawn Stone
Phillip Stone
Ben Styers
Monica Thibodeau
Charles Thomas
Cheryl Thomas
Larry Thomas
Angela Thompson
Caitlin Thompson
Ronald Thompson
Scott Thompson
Richard Tolson
Sondra Trice Jones
Jeffrey Tripp
Marela Turkic
Adam Upchurch 
Dakeita Vanderburg
Julius Waggoner
Cynthia Walsh
William Warmath
Kris Weaver
Pamela Webb
David West
Nathan West
Bonnie White
Todd White
Vivian Wilborne
Towanda Wilkins 
Whitney Willey
Bruce Williams
Robyn Williams
Susan Williams
Shelia Willis
William Wilson
Michael Wong
Emily Wood
John Wood
Joseph Woodall
Barry Woodard
Scott Wurtzbacher
Raj Yarlagadda
Jamie Young
President's Circle