National Women’s History Month Spotlight: Amy Hedgecock

image for National Women's History Month Spotlight: Amy Hedgecock

What leadership roles do/did you hold in the real estate industry?

Past President, High Point Regional Association of REALTORS®.
Institute of RE Management 2018 Legislative & Public Policy Vice Chair
NAR 2018 Single Family Investment Management Committee Vice Chair

What leadership roles do/did you hold in NC REALTORS®?

2018 President

What is your role in the industry today?


What is your role in NC REALTORS® today?

Active leadership role

What years were you active in the industry?


What years were you active in NC REALTORS®?


What do you consider your greatest accomplishment in the industry?

I am lucky enough to work in a company that my grandfather started. My mother and uncle have both worked here. My greatest accomplishment has been being able to take the reins and run the company. There are different challenges every day, but there is nothing better than being your own boss and taking your ideas and putting them in action.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment as an NC REALTOR®?

Absolutely, hands down, the greatest accomplishment I have felt as an NC REALTOR® was being elected to serve as President. I grew up in the industry, and I admire everyone who has served in this position. To be counted among them is very humbling and I try everyday to hold myself to the standards that they have set.

What were the greatest challenges you faced in the industry?

More than anything the greatest challenge can be the regulations that are imposed on our industry. It seems that every year there are changes that affect us in either real estate sales or property management. Keeping up with changes – and making sure the agents in my office stay up-to-date as well – oftentimes feels like the bulk of my job. I’m glad that NAR and NC REALTORS® have made it very easy to help advocate for our industry and our members. I try to never miss a call for action. I use the legal hotline regularly, just to make sure I’m keeping on the right path.

What were the greatest challenges you faced as an NC REALTOR®?

I love being involved in the REALTOR® Association because I feel like we take people as they are. Women or men, no matter your origin, we embrace anyone with a passion for this industry and a willingness to improve it. Do we always agree? No, but we debate issues and work together for resolutions. In that way, we are far more progressive than the rest of the world, it seems. Is everyday a walk in the park? No. But I really don’t feel like the challenges are insurmountable because we have such a good support system and such great REALTOR® involvement.

Have you been inspired by other NC REALTOR® women throughout the years? Please name them here and briefly describe how they have impacted you, the industry or the association.

There have been so many NC REALTOR® women who have inspired me. However, the one that will always top the list is my mother, Becky Hedgecock. My mom sat on the NAR Federal Housing Policy committee for many years, she was the Secretary/Treasurer of NC REALTORS® PMD for a very long time, She was an NC REALTOR® Region 5 RVP, and a local board President. She showed me the value of being involved in our industry. She pushed me to join my first committee. And of course, she brought me into the exciting world of property management.

I have also always admired Cindy Chandler. The world of commercial real estate is still a very male dominated field. Cindy has truly broken barriers for women in the commercial realm. She has participated at every level of the REALTOR® organization, and she also is a Real Estate Commissioner. Cindy has always been – and will always be – one of my REALTOR® heroes.

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