Do brokers have a duty to disclose material facts to a buyer’s lender?
Working With Real Estate Agents Disclosure for lease transactions
Is it possible to be a seller subagent by default?
What is the best way to withdraw an offer?
Effect of failure to comply with lead-based paint disclosure requirements
Can I use one listing agreement if the same seller is selling multiple properties?
Selling property with an abandoned house
Must I return a Due Diligence Fee check to the buyer if they demand it?
Legal Quiz: Will’s All-Time Top Ten Questions
Can a buyer list property for sale that they do not own yet?
Seller obligation to deliver deed no later than settlement
May a broker be paid a commission by their former BIC?
How long can the buyer delay closing under Form 580-T?
Can agents post on social media that a listing is under contract without the listing agent’s permission?
Will my seller have sales proceeds withheld because she is not a US citizen?
Must the Due Diligence Fee be refunded if the buyer terminates because of a low FHA appraisal?
Are All Sellers Required to Acknowledge Receipt of the Due Diligence Fee?
Can my friend loan money to a buyer to complete a purchase?
Duty to Accurately Report Square Footage and Buyer Remedies for Misrepresentation
What are Seller’s Remedies if Buyer Refuses to Deliver the Due Diligence Fee?
Disclosing information about offers received in a multiple offer situation
Can a broker affiliated with a firm receive a commission check directly from the closing attorney?
Legal Quiz: Popular Q&As (August 2021)
Is Form 2A12-T Required in All Sales of New Construction