REALTOR® Advice: Closing

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You’ve done it! You’ve gotten to the closing on your house! Whether you’re buying or selling, this is an exciting time in your real estate journey. You may have some questions and get nervous as the process continues, but never fear. Here are some pieces of wisdom from our own NC REALTORS® on what to do when closing on a house.

Rear view shot of a young couple admiring their new house outside

Marianne Allen

I would just be sure to tell them NOT to schedule moving trucks or any kind of work to be done the day of the settlement. There is a very good chance something could be delayed and they also have to wait for the recording to get access to the keys.


Young couple in handshake with their agent. Smiling man and woman taking documents of argeement. Rear view of a woman in suit standing in front of them. As background windows, shelves with boxes and folders. On desk monitor, tools and papers.

Amanda Cranfill

Have a realistic expectation for when you will receive the keys to the house. It can be frustrating when your closing is at 9am, but the deed is recorded much later in the day (which is the official time that you may receive the keys).


Family Viewing Potential New Home

Angela Lemmons

My piece of advice is, do not make a big purchase which involves your credit. Don’t go out and purchase furniture, new car, or open any new lines of credit or credit cards before closing on a home.

Happy young couple getting keys of their new house. Close up of female hand receiving keys from house broker. Closeup of the hand of a real estate agent who give the house keys to a woman while her boyfriend signing a contract.

Chris Pappalardo

My advice would be, for the buyer, make sure you A) walk the property right before closing. Literally, do the final walk through and then go to the closing. Remember, you are taking the home in its current condition, if it isn’t clean, or if something has happened, don’t close until it is addressed by the seller. B) Pay to have the home re-inspected if you had the seller do repairs. Can’t tell you how many times we have had sellers pay to have work done, and the contractor didn’t do the work. The seller wasn’t lying, they paid the contractor.  In Real Estate as in life, ‘Trust and Verify.’

Renica Green

The closing is the best time to stay engaged with your REALTOR® and make sure you respond as quickly as possible to outstanding requirements. This helps the process to stay on track.  Don’t forget that a smart cell phone can substitute for a desktop/laptop in many situations, like taking a picture of a document to send to the lender or realtor without delay.

Closing can be both exciting and nervewracking, so be sure to ask your REALTOR® if you have any questions, doubts or concerns. Congratulations on your sale or your new home!

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